Kamis, 13 Januari 2022



Citizen Science can be defined as public participation in collecting data for a scientifically based research. The general public can collaborate with professional scientists in analyzing, collecting, etc. which will later be useful for increasing understanding in the management of existing resources. This Citizen Science program has been proven to help obtain biological data on target species and also to increase knowledge, skills, and community participation.

source : citizenscience.org

In Indonesia, one form of Citizen Science is used to obtain conservation data for a particular species. Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest Elasmobranchs diversity in the world. Elasmobranchs are a group of cartilaginous fish such as Sharks, Rays, and Ghost Sharks. Elasmobranch Project Indonesia (EPI) is a Citizen Science project that aims to map Elasmobranchs diversity and distribution in Indonesia. EPI received data since 2019. EPI noted that from around 1250 species Elasmobranchs in the world, 118 species of sharks, 101 species of rays and 6 species of ghost sharks can be found in Indonesia marine.

Source : https://elasmobranch.id/id/peta/ 

 The project provide real-time up to date information of Elasmobranchs sighting and landing in Indonesia by utilizing a user-friendly citizen science method and network. Everyone who has interest in supporting sharks, rays, and ghost sharks conservation in Indonesia can partake to contribute for EPI, such as student, lecturer, researcher, organization, government body, even fishermen and fish seller can and are welcome to participate. You will only need to submit your encounter photograph and data, landing  or sighting, through the EPI website.



13 komentar:

  1. this is very interesting. Anyone who interested in sharks, rays and ghost sharks can participate. indeed this citizen science project is very useful for us. we can actively participate in conservation and map Elasmobranchs diversity in Indonesia marine ecosystem. so, with more people participating, there will be more information and research that we can find.

  2. very informative, with this project it will provide insight into the distribution of this fish. everyone can become a researcher with the EPI website. this website helps in preserving and conserving fish belonging to the Elasmobranch. We know that fish belonging to this species are hunted by irresponsible fishermen, thus threatening the existence of this type of fish. With this project, it provides an opportunity for all parties who are members of a certain community to maintain and can easily find this type of fish through the mapping provided through the site
    very informative ranger!

  3. Wow, I just have known about this program and this program is very interesting! Because anyone who interested with a group of cartilaginous fish such as Sharks, Rays, and Ghost Sharks could participate. Even a student could also participating in this program! This citizen science program is really cool! Thanks for the interesting program, ranger! Keep it up!

  4. I'm also interested in Elasmobranchs or cartilaginous fish. In my imagination, cartilaginous fish is probably small tiny fish and even fragile because their bodies are made up of cartilage, but in reality cartilaginous fish consist of big or or even scary looking fish, like sharks and rays. And I think this project is interesting, but dangerous at the same time because we will face sharks and rays directly. So, we need to have a lot of experience to involve in this project.

    1. Yah thats true, I think sharks,rays,and ghost shark are dangerous

  5. Amazing how Indonesia has hundreds of Elasmobranch species. Great information ranger, now I know what species ghost sharks are. Interesting how shark and ray could be in one category of species. Anyway this citizen science project is so interesting and anyone could participate! Great post ranger!

  6. Thank you for sharing about the Elasmobranchs citizen science project Ranger Mariska! I had never heard of this species before and I am learning so much from you and all the Rangers!



  Dear Ranger Yohanis Hi rangers Yohanis? How are you? I hope you are fine. I’m sad you can’t join us at FLEx 1.   So I will share my expe...