Jumat, 21 Januari 2022


Have you ever go to a place and take pictures or photos of an object like a flower? Or have you ever seen a unique animal and researching it? If you have done the same thing, it can be said that you are a Citizen Scientist.

source: nps.gov.com

When we talked about Citizen Science, so I was interested in making a project with my community called The Beauty of Waterlily (TBW). Nymphaea was the name genus for water plants from the Nymphaeaceae tribe. In English known as water-lily or waterlily.

source: klikhijau.com

The Beauty Of Waterlily is a project to collect photos or data on the existence of waterlily. This project will also be a medium for learning about waterlily. Who can participate in this project?  Everyone can participate in The Beauty Of Waterlily project just by filling out the form and sending a photo of the waterlily to our address.

source: penerbitdeepublish.com

The first time I was interested in waterlily was when my family and I went to a place. Their we saw so many waterlily with various colors but nowadays it is rare to find waterlily in Jember area. Because some people think that waterlily is a weed. It turns out it has economic value and usefull one of them as an ornamental plant. Waterlily has a philosophy that human life journey is only temporary, then after that humans will definitely die and move to more eternal nature. Are you interest? If you are interest come join us and share your experience. Thank you


13 komentar:

  1. Great idea Ranger Mariska! Great post.

  2. Waterlily is one of my favorite flower!!! I like every colors of it hehe and it also has unique features, such as its large leaf. But sadly, I can't see it as often as before in a lake and river in my city :( And because it has economic value as you said, I think we can educate people about its benefit to make handcraft, food, or even something surprising and beautiful that have economic value, so it can be a livelihood for people and people will preserve waterlily more. In my opinion, the data that people get will also give benefits for scientists for their research :D


  3. in urban areas it seems a bit difficult to find this flower. However, I used to often find this flower in the fish pond area in front of the houses of rural residents. usually a lot of frogs will live there especially when it rains. So far I still rarely see this flower as one of the leading commodities. I hope that in the future the community will be more aware that this plant has economic value.

  4. Waterlily , I have seen this a lot, when I was a child in my mother's hometown. and I was wondering this might be a fact about this flower, because not only in place this an lie almost in every island in Indonesia perhaps. Erlin and Antoni also saw it in person. So seen from its existence I find a article that asserts about water lily that can be found from various corners of the world, and the types are very diverse. In fact, lily is one type of flower that is very easy to find on the European continent. In countries that have four seasons, Water lilies generally bloom in spring and summer. However, there are several types of lilies that grow in winter. Hemmmm interesting...

  5. Water lilies are very beautiful. I also like the flower. Currently, this flower is difficult to find near my house. but when i want to see the flower i have to go to a place that little bit far from my house. I usually go to find this flower with my friend. She really loves waterlily.This project is very interesting. thank you mariska

  6. I've only seen waterlilies a few times and it's been quite a while. Now it's hard to see waterlilies, it's a beautiful flower. I really like this idea, we can see a lot of photos of waterlilies from different places. In addition, we may see different types of waterlilies. From those photos as well, it may be one of the data for research in developing waterlily populations.



  Dear Ranger Yohanis Hi rangers Yohanis? How are you? I hope you are fine. I’m sad you can’t join us at FLEx 1.   So I will share my expe...