change is literally a climate change due to an increase in the average global
temperature. We must be aware of this situation because of the effects
that can be detrimental to life. But climate change that occurs is not without
reason and does not just happen suddenly. This change occurs because
there are factors that cause it, both because of natural phenomena and because
of human behavior. Some of the causes of climate change include, among
other things, illegal logging activities carried out by humans, the occurrence
of global warming, and the greenhouse effect.
is an important issue, because the livelihoods of many people depend on
agriculture, mariculture and fisheries, all of which can be affected by changes
in temperature, rainfall and other. Climate change that occurs will cause
extreme heat waves that can make animals die, plants are damaged. In the
high emission scenario, East Kalimantan and Sumatra will experience almost 4
degrees Celsius warming and less rainfall. Along with the potential risk of
extreme forest fires, the risk of drought and the risk of flooding. Well,
climate change is also expected to increase economic damage. Some time ago, in
Indonesia there was Typhoon Seroja which had quite an impact on several disasters
in the country, especially floods and landslides in Nusa Tenggara.
climate change that occurs can not only cost lives, but will also have an
impact on economic damage in the long term.
Since 2000 until now the condition of
Indonesia has become increasingly emergency. Disasters happen everywhere,
causing damage, even loss of life, loss of relatives, and property. Indonesia's
governments already have various policies to stop climate change, but are these
policies fully implemented? Many people worry about predictions
that climate change will have a big impact on life, but how we can change that
without action? But in reality, the use of plastic has replaced many
equipment materials made of bamboo, wood, and rattan. This is because plastic
is easy to obtain. For example, when shopping at the market, we prefer to
use plastic bags rather than bringing our own shopping baskets, arguing that it
is "more practical". Now, after the plastic shopping bag is no
longer needed, it will automatically be thrown away. Whether it's in the
trash or in any place, and eventually ends up in a landfill such as the sea or
river. Plastic waste that ends up in the ocean has the potential to
pollute and have a serious impact on the balance of the ecosystem in the sea.
Therefore, I was inspired to take part in actions such as gardening with
friends, and replacing plastic bags with environmentally friendly tote bags.
change is an important issue that must be a concern for all parties. The
central government, local governments, academics, media, and the community can
join hands to overcome the impacts of climate change. For this reason, a
common understanding is needed so that cooperation between elements can be
realized. Hopefully we can make the environment better.